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Town of Stettler approves new sewage lift station

By Carson Ellis
Stettler town hall.(File photo)

By Carson Ellis

For the Independent

Stettler’s town council has approved a new sewage lift station for the community.

Melissa Robbins, the town’s director of operations, presented the options to council during its July 4 council meeting.

Robbins noted that despite several design changes to reduce project costs, material costs and other factors have resulted in the design being over budget.

The final overall budget for the project, including engineering tests and a contingency is around $700,000.

Of the two tenders submitted for the project, Robbins recommended Urban Dirtworks Inc. be awarded the contract with its tender of just under $630,000. Robbins also recommended the town use Tagish Engineering for any necessary engineering work. Coun. Scott Pfieffer motioned to go with administration recommendation, which was carried.

Paths Master Plan

Robbins and council then turned their attention to the Master Pathway Plan.

Pathway priorities had been discussed at the June 13 Committee of the Whole Meeting following public input during the 2023 Trade Show. Under council’s direction, administration has been looking into completing certain areas of pathways around Spruce Drive as part of the improvements slated in 2023.

Due to previous funds allotted to pathways in the community being underutilized in the last two years due to conflicts with utilities, the extra money has been put into reserves, which gives the town extra funds if they choose to put them towards pathway completion and improvements.

Council discussed various areas for consideration, reviewing estimated completion costs and upgrades, including solar pedestrian crossing lights. A motion by Coun. Gord Lawlor was then carried that the town approves the purchase and installation of solar crossing lights on 46 Avenue at a cost of $10,000 from the 2023 Capital Budget. The motion also directs administration to obtain quotes for a connecting pathway between 51 and 52 Street and a pathway from 48 Avenue to 49 Avenue near the railway tracks on the south side of town. The motion was carried.

Homesteader Park

Director Robbins’ last order of business was regarding the development of Homesteader Park. The area of land at 4408-47 Avenue has been rezoned from Industrial use to Public Use and is in the process of being donated to the Town of Stettler at the land titles office. The land is being donated by the owner to develop a park that will pay tribute to early settlers in the community who shared in Carl Stettler’s dream of creating a German-Swiss colony.

Currently, a mowed pathway through the space is being maintained by Public Works until the winter. Parking lot approaches, fencing, and waste and pet waste containers are to be installed under a motion by Coun. Wayne Smith. The cost of the development is $7,750 and will be funded through the Community Development Fund in the 2023 Operating budget. The motion was passed. At this time, Mayor Sean Nolls thanked Melissa Robbins for her dedicated work on the three projects presented.

Residential and business attraction

VanLanduyt presented to council regarding a travelling trade show booth proposed by the Economic Development Committee.

The booth would highlight the quality of living in Stettler as well as Stettler’s economic viability in hopes of attracting residents and businesses.

Costs for the booth would be around $2,000, which would include a branded backdrop, tech equipment, banners, and table cover. VanLanduyt also explained that the Committee requests to attend the 2024 Spring Renovations Home Show in Red Deer.

Coun. Lawlor motioned to approve the expenditure with funding from the Community Development account in the 2023 Operating Budget, which was carried. Coun. Pfieffer then motioned to approve the request to attend the Home show in Red Deer with the funds coming from the 2024 Operating budget, which was carried as well.